Monday, April 19, 2010

The Knot is Tied ...

richard has made the move and i am so happy for him!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Difficult Weekend

it's been a hard weekend for me and my family ... marilyn's mom took a fall last week and broke her arm. and she had some adverse reactions to some meds which had her not her usual self. mellon spent the night with her even sleeping with her to keep her from harm or more falls. i missed having her around but she has to be available to her own folks.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Peachtree Condominium

a creation done of a colorful piece of architecture on peachtree street in atlanta


i live in metro atlanta, a modern city and metropolis ... but there are still old scenes like this one within walking distance

It's a BIG Day Tidday ...

my bro richard is tying the knot probably about right now ... way to go richard! i'm with you all the way!

New Old Friend Connects

got a message from a dear old friend from WAY back ... so good to hear from him! here is a piece i created from an old 1964 photo i picked up on line. enjoy!

Been Away a While ... I'm Back!

having some technical difficulties over the past few months. password and link problems plus both of my systems failed. now repaired and hopefully working for the duration. want to communicate with you and find out what is going on. hope all is well!